Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Happy Chocolate

I just tried a form of reverse psychology on myself without realising. Someone I work with came up to me and asked me to do a last minute (and very boring) job that needs to be done by first thing tomorrow morning. I thought "Oh crap!" but, as he's a nice person, I offered him a Cadburys Mini Egg anyway. So he went away happily crunching his egg, and I felt happy at his visit to my desk because I had done a nice thing. Happy instead of pissed off... how about that! I shall now just have to keep a never-ending supply of chocolate eggs on my desk to hand out to the never-ending queue of people who come and ask me to do crap, then my world will be forever rosy. Except that I know I would eat every egg myself and so continually be buying more and then continually be eating more ad infinitum... so perhaps that's not a very realistic idea after all.

I've just realised - most of my blog posts seem either to be about Charles or about chocolate. Easy to tell which things are most important in my life!

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