Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Easter Eggs, Easter Bunnies...

Ever since I was a little girl I've had a weight problem. At least, looking back at photos now I can see that I didn't - I wasn't fat, I wasn't even chunky - but my mother had me on constant diets and managed to convince me that I was a big fat heiffer and should be ashamed of my waistless child's body. So perhaps unsurprisingly I've always had rather a guilty relationship with any food that isn't green and boring. Things are different now - I really do have a big, bouncing belly - however I'm still scared of food... so scared in fact that I have to eat every piece of chocolate or cake that I ever come across so that it won't keep looking at me and taunting me!

So it is with trepidation that I enter supermarkets at this time of year. By this time of year I mean Easter. And by Easter I mean January through to April, such is the extended calendar of supermarkets. By late January my local supermarket had Easter eggs on sale. At the end of February the Lindt gold bunnies appeared. And today I spotted piles of Cadburys Easter cakes in all their tempting glory when I went to fill my car up with petrol. The stupid thing is, most of these items aren't even particularly nice (Lindt gold bunnies excepted!). They are made from cheap chocolate that is so thin you can almost see your hand through it, they are amazingly overpriced for the amount of chocolate you get, and an ordinary bar of Green & Blacks milk chocolate tastes far nicer. Yet something about them still calls out to me! Maybe it's seeing them all stacked up, row upon row disappearing into the horizon; maybe it's the egg/bunny shape; maybe it's because they are not available all year round and so become a 'grab it while you can' item. Dunno! I just wish they would go on sale for Easter week only, where they belong!

Oh well, time to eat my tea now... if I can fit anything else into my belly after the whole box of Easter cakes I've just scoffed! Grooh!

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