Monday, March 26, 2007

Enchanting Flesh Loss Product!

You know those spam emails offering you willy-lengthening products, free naked housewives, etc. I've just received one trying to sell me a diet pill and it has obviously, and hilariously, been written by a non-English speaker, probably using one of those internet translation sites:

End the annoying obesity now!

*** - the up-to-the-moment and most enchanting flesh-loss product.

Do you realize redundant body kilos kill very much people for every new year? We know that you hate the unattractive appearance of those people. Moreover, you can't resist an assault of your fatal eating habits. Here *** comes, the later product for the reduction of your body's extra weight. Pay you attention to some notes received from our customers:

"One day I was told about *** the media by and I was really effected by the information. I had tried to take it, and my wife said to me that I look very good now, 4 months later. 32 pounds off and it is still far to an end. And you know, it's rather hot in our bedroom now."

*** helps your brain to understand that you doesn't have such a great need for the constant eating. Great thanks to its powerful original formula!

(link) Elicit more information.

Erm, yes - enchanting! And I think his 'customer' could do with a few English lessons too!

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