Wednesday, December 13, 2006

How to Get Rich

I’ve decided I’m fed up of always having to scrape pennies together to survive. I want to be rich! With that in mind I was checking out one of those ‘How to Get Rich’ websites, reading up on the secrets of the millionaire mind (apparently!). Here are some of the points:

1. Rich people believe, "I create my life." Poor people believe, "Life happens to me."

Well I'm with him there. I can't stand people who just pathetically sit around and wait to see what happens to them. Especially those people who just shrug and say, resignedly, "Oh, well what can you do?" They deserve a slap around the chops for that!

2. Rich people play the money game to win. Poor people play the money game to not lose.

Erk! That's scary! Just the words 'money game' make my eyes goggle and my heart stop beating! I'm just not a natural gambler!

3. Rich people are committed to being rich. Poor people want to be rich.

Not sure I've got the energy to be 'committed' to it - sounds like hard work! I suppose I'm like most people, I'd really quite like to become rich overnight but I don't like to think of having to devote my life to actually doing something about it! Lazy!

4. Rich people think big. Poor people think small.

Hmm, I think big but act small - see number 2 on being a gambler for the reason why!

5. Rich people focus on opportunities. Poor people focus on obstacles.

I'm always focussing on opportunities. I'm fab at it. I can see everyone's opportunities, loads of them, and if only everybody would actually do everything I say they would all be rich and happy. Me included! Oh yes, that's why people like to find obstacles - because if they can manage to come up with a reasonable-sounding obstacle (ie, excuse!) then they won't have to do anything - ie laziness rules! Actually, these people make me mad too - there's no such thing as "I can't." Just do it, man!

6. Rich people admire other rich and successful people. Poor people resent rich and successful people.

How true! Saddos that never achieve anything are always inclined to think that richness/happiness just 'drops' into the laps of other people, and refuse to see the effort that goes into getting these things. Laziness again! They don't want to acknowledge that you have to actually work hard to get stuff!

7. Rich people associate with positive, successful people. Poor people associate with negative or unsuccessful people.

Well, I have to say that I do neither. I associate with nice people! (But for all you nerks out there who think you have to stomp on people to get rich - some of these nice people are actually very well off!) Hmm, I don't like negative people though - what's the point in being negative about stuff? It just makes everyone around you miserable, plus it shows you up for being an idiot who is incapable of seeing all sides to a situation!

8. Rich people are excellent receivers. Poor people are poor receivers.

Hey, I'm an excellent receiver! Anything you'd like to chuck my way....!

9. Rich people think "both." Poor people think "either/or."

Ha! I could teach this bloke a thing or two - I don't think "either/or." I don't even think "both." I think "ALL!"

10. Rich people have their money work hard for them. Poor people work hard for their money.

That makes sense. I work to get money - it hasn't, until now, occurred to me that my money can work to make more money for me. But of course it can! Dur!

11. Rich people manage their money well. Poor people mismanage their money well.

Yup! Just look at all those plonkers who think credit cards are 'free money' and run them up to the hilt each month.

12. Rich people act in spite of fear. Poor people let fear stop them.

See number 5 on obstacles. Fear means you can be lazy but cover your laziness up by pretending you have this big scary thing stopping you doing stuff.

13. Rich people constantly learn and grow. Poor people think they already know.

Hey, don't talk to me, I know everything! No that's sooo true! Anyone who refuses to listen to another person's opinion or viewpoint because they think they know the answer already is just an idiot. The world doesn't stand still - so even if you did know everything on one day, you wouldn't the next!

Anyway, regardless of whether the above makes sense (and I think basically it does), I’ve just realised that my financial focus is, and always has been, stupidly wrong. My goal has always been not to get into debt (ie, to keep my finances above zero). I thought this was a good goal – no debt, yay! – that makes me better than all those suckers with credit cards and loans who are giving a fistful of free money to the banks each month! However, thinking about that now, I reckon my goal is actually a bad goal that just sounds good (a goal in sheep’s clothing!). You see, because of this goal, whenever I have had a bit of spare money I’ve always spent it… ooh I have £20 left over this month, that means I can buy a new top, or a necklace! How nice! Nu-uh! SPARE money??? It’s not spare! It’s money that at the very least should be set aside for when the water bill comes in, or the service charges, or the phone bill… and at best should be put to work for me in order to make some more money. If I keep my focus on never going into debt, ie living just above zero, then of course I will always be skint! Of course I will always panic whenever a bill comes in! Dur! Because, let’s face it, there will always be a million nice things to spend any ‘spare’ money on, no matter how much I have!

So I’m changing my goal now. Staying out of debt isn’t enough. I am now working towards being mortgage free in 10 years time.

Let’s check back in the year 2016! :-)

1 comment:

Emperor Terga said...

i'v read them stuffs about getting rich several times...thru ur side-remarks today..they dont sound entirely different or rocket i can spot something out..i think we should is the id..hopefully you give a good caption that will stop me from deleting as junk.